Please go the menu bar on top of the page to download the Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS) for this product. 的信息,或成为我们注册用户后,可以从我们的网站上下载()。
Tip of the Day: To print only part of the worksheet, choose Page Setup from the File menu, select the Print Area box on the Sheet tab, and then select the area you want to print. 日积月累:若只想打印数据区域的某一部分,可选择“文件”菜单中的“页面设置”命令,在“工作表”选项卡中的“打印区域”框中设置所要区域。
To display the resource sheet view, on the view menu, click resource sheet. 若要显示“资源工作表”视图,请在“视图”菜单上,单击“资源工作表”。
On the Format menu, point to Sheet, and then click Tab Color. 在“格式”菜单上,指向“工作表”,然后单击“标签颜色”。
Optionally, you can prevent users from displaying hidden rows or columns by clicking protection on the tools menu, and then by clicking protect sheet. 还可以通过单击“工具”菜单上的“保护”,然后单击“保护工作表”来禁止用户显示隐藏的行或列。
On the view menu, click the sheet view that you want. 在“视图”菜单上,单击所需的工作表视图。
Tip of the day: to prevent others from modifying a particular sheet, choose protection from the tools menu, and then choose protect sheet. 日积月累:使用“工具”菜单中的“保护”命令,可保护整个工作簿,或者工作簿中的某个工作表。
To prevent other users from changing the row heights and column widths, click protection on the tools menu, and then click protect sheet. 要禁止其他用户更改行高和列宽,请单击“工具”菜单上的“保护”,然后单击“保护工作表”。
To help prevent others from modifying a particular sheet, point to protection on the tools menu, and then click protect sheet. 要帮助防止其他人修改某特定工作表,可指向“工具”菜单中的“保护”子菜单,然后单击“保护工作表”命令。
To save time by limiting calculation to the active sheet, choose options from the tools menu, then choose the calc sheet button on the calculation tab. shortcut: shift+ f9. 如果为了节省时间而限定只重算活动文档,可选择“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,在“重新计算”选项卡中单击“重算活动工作表”按钮。捷径:shift+f9。
The following example creates a collection of three styles that apply to the first three levels of menu items and could be referenced in a style sheet. 下面的示例创建一个三种样式的集合,这些样式适用于前三层菜单项,并且可以在样式表中引用。
Choose all sheets from the layout pop-up menu to create a PDF that shows each sheet on a separate page. 从“布局”弹出菜单中选取“所有表单”,可创建一个pdf在不同页上显示每个表单。
On the format menu, point to CSS styles, and then click attach style sheet. 在“格式”菜单中,指向“css样式”,然后单击“附加样式表”。
To edit the linked cascading style sheet of a document, on the format menu, click style sheet links, select the style sheet, and then click edit. 若要编辑文档级联样式表的链接,请在“格式”菜单上,单击“样式表链接”,选择样式表,然后单击“编辑”。
On the view menu, click a sheet view that contains the tasks that you want to renumber, such as the task sheet. 在“视图”菜单上,单击包含您想重新编排的任务的工作表视图,例如“任务工作表”。
On the tools menu, point to protection, and then click protect sheet. 在“工具”菜单上,指向“保护”,再单击“保护工作表”。
Results The established software ( CT Diagnosis Center, CT-DDC) included menu user-defined, interface of reporting input, interactive interface of query and printing, data sheet editing and backup, it could be carried by floppy disk easily, the installing and running were stable. 结果创建数据库软件CT-DDC(CTDiagnosisDataCenter),具有自定义菜单、诊断报告输入界面、交互式查询打印界面、数据表的查看编辑及备份功能等,可随软盘携带,安装运行稳定。